Many Way to Learn Japanese - Do Not Limit Yourself Take Them All -

Japanese Learning Tools/Listening

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There are more than several ways 
to learn Japanese.

One way work better than other way. 
To know what is better for you,
simply, you must try them! 

Here are some suggestions for you.

★Learn basic Hiragana, 
Katakana and Numbers

★Read Manga or Baby Children’s Books

★Watch Japanese TV With English Subtitles

★Listening Japanese radio

★Get a Workbook・Use flashcards

★Chat with native speaker

★Join a Group who studis Japanese

★Get a Tutor

★Take a Class or Online Course

I understand some of ways require money.
But on my blog, I introduce good quality
free tools that you can use.

Do You Have Strong Motivation to Use Tool?

Tools can be useful only if you 
have a desire to use them.

Nobody can make you move for something 
you are not interested in.
So it is always good to remember
why you wish to study Japanese.

What is the reason to study it?

Do your motivation strong enough 
to make you move to 
keep studying everyday?

Do you feel you are not good enough 
to study Japanese? or
it does not make any difference 
even if you try the hardest?

When you feel negative about yourself, 
even though you had a strong desire 
at a moment, you may not be able to 
keep up with studying 
Japanese for long time.

So think of the reason 
why you want to study 
before you put your hands on 
a study material.

If you do that, it could help to 
keep going when the difficult time hit, 
and you feel like you want to give up on
learning Japanese.

You could move on against 
a strong wind!

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Learn Japanese Online

Are you a super beginner 
when comes to Japanese, and 
wish to write,read & speak
Hiragana & Katakana
Please email me!

★Chat in Japanese
★Translation JP⇔EN
★Correcting Japanese Writing
Leaving a comment on Youtube
Leaving a review
Writing a fan letter etc...

Learn How to Import from JP

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one time Tutoring for FREE.
Please email me for more detail.


①Asking a question for a product
at Mercari, Yahoo Auction seller,
eBay Japanese seller, etc...
②Negotiate best price for you.
③Help you to open e-commerce
account (except Mercari,Yahoo Auction)

Avoid Fees for Proxy Service

I offer a service for helping to import 
Japanese goods step by step.

Do you pay Fees for proxy service? 
Such ashandling fee, purchase fee
bidding fee, and/or domestic shipping feewhich is the fee for a shopping website to the proxy service warehouse. 

If you are tired of paying fees, 
please contact me. There is a way to avoid them.

I don't give you a fish🐡, 
but I teach you how to fish.



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